Thursday, November 19, 2009

Physical Therapy is Fun - NOT!!

The title says it all...

On the first day I thought, Wow, this is awesome! Get a nice massage, play with some toys, meet the nice people, and insurance pays for it - great!! Three treatments in, I am in so much more pain than when I started. I THINK it's because I'm starting to loosen up and that is a painful least I hope so.

Today when the therapist was working on me (and by that I mean digging his thumb into a spot that was already so sore that my pants touching my skin hurt it) and I was biting down on my sweater like I was in labor or something (it's possible I might be a wuss), he joked, "You know, this is only happening because you're running a marathon."

And I batted back (after releasing my sweater from my teeth), "Yeah, if I'd just stayed on my butt like God intended, I'd be fine right now!"

But I got to thinking about it, and realized that, yes, this is all happening because I decided to run a marathon. But I have the choice to do that. And the whole point of choosing was to raise money and awareness to help people who can't choose to run. And who are dealing with pain that makes mine seem like rainbows and unicorns. So I keep reminding myself to be thankful with every pull in my leg, and with the pain in every step, because I am lucky enough to be able to choose to put myself through that. And lucky enough to have the opportunity to help people who didn't choose what they got, yet get up every morning and are braver than I can fathom. Here's to them.


  1. You are doing awesome getting through this! ITBS is no fun at all! Just keep up the treatments and you can get through it. Like you said, the pain you are in is just a bunch of rainbows and unicorns (I think I am going to steal that at some point!)

    Still have plenty of time to get through it for the marathon... And there are wonderful drugs for after the marathon that will help ya out (=

  2. coping with pain by choice. is it brave or does it mock those who can't chose to stop the pain? (ducking my head now).... are you not allowed to fund raise if you don't train/run?

  3. Thanks, Steve! Glad to hear from another crazy runner who has suffered! :)
    Jenna, I think you can transfer to another season with a doctor's note, which I could definitely get, and I don't know if you can fundraise without running. But basically...I don't want to. Childhood value of quitters never that stubbornness, or a pride thing, or what character is made of? Hm. I'll let the readers decide that for themselves. But in the mean time, NO PAIN NO GAIN!! Woo hoo!!
