Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Enough Whining Already

Dear readers,
I was just looking back over my posts, and realized that they had turned into a litany of my maladies, rather like a moderately old person who gets together with her friends for tea and spends a happy two hours relating every ache, pain and twinge since last month's tea meeting. Ugh, how boring for you. I apologize. Plus, I am really sick of the word "knee." So, you can all just assume until you hear otherwise that my k*** hurts all the time, but I'm not talking about it anymore.

Instead, in the spirit of the recent holiday (Thanksgiving, in case you live in the UK or a box), I would like to mention what I am thankful for today. Many, many things come to mind, but, to name a few -
The incredible donations that have come in that are making my whole run possible.
My amazing friends for always being there to support me.
My family for being really cool and letting me be me.
Andy, my partner in crime, for, um, everything.
Andy's family, for making me feel like family.
Andy's dad kicking esophageal cancer's ass and eating more Thanksgiving dinner than me (oh, and EVERYONE at MD Anderson!!)!!
Having a Christmas tree.
Chocolate and wine and peppermint schnapps.
Having 6 jobs, when some people have none.
Dan for creating Deviations with me, and for what that might bring.
Getting in shape for the first time in my life!!!

I've got lots more, but it's time to join one of my favorite people for dinner, so I will sign off...leave me a comment on what you're thankful for this week!


P.S. 26 days left to the fundraising deadline....$448 left to my minimum and $1448 left to my goal - woo hoo!!!


  1. Thankful for inspirational people like yourself (= Keep up the good work Autumn!

  2. Thank you, Steve! I don't feel inspirational, I feel inspired!!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. thank you for reminding me to be thankful. i complain too much too.
